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Jennifer Pack

Thanks for the tag Amy!


hi amy! thanks for taking up the meme. this is one of the few times i've actually read one of these and felt like i learned something new about the author.

that crab claw thing is a little nutty :)


Hey Amy,
I got tagged by umami and posted mine today.
I love the combination of peanut butter and apple, BTW. I don't think American people would be freaked out by this, but my Japanese friends treated me like I was Darth Vader when I told them I loved that combination.


So Umami got you first! I hadn't noticed. I'll read your answers tonight.
Apples and peanut butter are great! Apple slices are very handy for scraping the last bits of peanut butter from the jar.
That reminds me of another apple combination that Japanese people have found weird: apple pie with a slice of good cheddar cheese. They really go together nicely.

Thanks for tagging me. I really enjoyed doing it, and I like reading everyone elses' answers. I agree that this meme is particularly insightful.
I don't know why I feel compelled to put food on my fingertips. I think it all started with raspberries from the garden (much cuter than crab claws, by the way)

I look forward to reading your answers.

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